Wo ich herkomme...
20 years of management experience at Deutsche Lufthansa, TUI and PwC. Head of communication with board experience.
Editor and interview correspondent for Stuttgarter Nachrichten. Theodor Wolff laureate for uncovering the affair surrounding the fake Hitler diaries of STERN.
Studied history and politics at the University of Tübingen
Certified Vistage Coach (Winchester / UK). Coaching the first management team of many companies.
Entrepreneur at communication consultancy "Creative *.
Lecture speaker
Business KeyNote Speaker on social and economic future topics
European Free Speech Champion 2017 (Toastmasters International), Vice European Champion 2015
Stage and performance work with Tilman Lucke, Renate Koch, Hans Kieseier for cabaret lectures
Professional member of the German Speakers Association (GSA)
Lecture & performance training / speechwriter / media interviews
10 reasons to book me ...
1. Focus
Because as a journalist, I quickly know what is important, can differentiate between important and unimportant and am strong in analysis.
2. Relevance
Because as a historian I can classify things.
3. Insight
Because as a manager I understand how companies and the economy work
4. Empathy
Because I know how people feel and I can reach and inspire them quickly.
5. Solutions
Because as a coach I know what helps managers and what interests entrepreneurs.
6. Curiosity
Because as a person I am curious about the future, discover the world anew every day and am grateful that I can live in such an exciting time.
7. Mindset change
Because with the concept of "skoptimism" I can convey a new way of thinking about the future with which I can better master the major challenges
8. Honesty
Because I never promise more than I redeem and don't say anything that I can't prove.
9. Out-of-the-box / disruption
Because I also ask my listeners uncomfortable questions and can give unusual answers.
10. Sympathy
Because I get great and encouraging feedback from almost all of my listeners.
My books

The Skoptimist
Splinters of thought about the unfinished future
The future is like football - you never know how it will end. And the offside rule is as incomprehensible to us as globalization, digitization, artificial intelligence, fake news and alternative facts. So how do we approach the future? Optimistic or rather critical? Doubtful or brave? "The Skoptimist" is a blazing and inspiring appeal for your own thinking in the post-factual age. A highly creative and imaginative ride through the fog right into the future. The author appeals to his readers not only to keep an eye on artificial, but also their own intelligence and to develop it further. He deliberately leaves it open whether this "ambitious project" can really succeed. You can take a first step yourself: take this book and read it! Have fun.
The Skoptimist - Splinters of thought on the unfinished future / Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt 2019, 286 pages hardcover / ISBN 978-3738623840